Sunday, August 3, 2008

Raymond stuff

Raymond is home from his extended three week Florida vacation. From the beach with Grandma and Aunt Stacey, to the movies and fishing with Ryan, St.Augustine with BuddaFudd, and everything in between, He had a great time with the family in Jacksonville. He followed up those two weeks with the Disney Cruise for five days, where he snorkeled with sting rays, met Mickey Mouse, and ate lots of ice cream. Raymond has had a good summer!

Ortho appointment in the morning - brackets on his four front top teeth! Pics will follow!

Football practice gets into full swing next Monday the 11th, with Monday to Saturday Practice for Three weeks before the first game on the 30th! We also have a scrimmage on the 23rd down in Galveston.

In other sports news, Raymond is learning to play golf..we got him a Jr. set of clubs at Academy yesterday, and in short order, he managed to hit the electric meter on the back on the house and smash the glass case. Leave it to Raymond!

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