Monday, September 29, 2008

Back to School!

Back to School today, and Football practice starts tonight, but at a different field, as Bay Area Park is messed up due to the storm.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ray and Ginnie 60 years

We took Ray and Ginnie to dinner tonight at Perry's Italian Resturant to celebrate their 60th! Wedding Anniversay. Their actual anniversary was September 11th and We were supposed to go on Friday the 12th, but that was Hurricane Ike weekend, so we postponed until tonight. It was nice to spend the time with them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life Goes On

School will be back in Session on Monday, September 29th, so the kids will have missed a total of 11 days (9/26 was a school holiday anyway). Raymond of course, is happy, but I don't think he realizes they will still have to do the work when they get back. I am making him do worksheets each day just because!

Football...we will not play Galveston after all. The team there is not going to be able to finish out the season unfortunately. We will end up missing 3 games, so the season will be extended by 2 weeks. Practice starts back on 9/29, with our first game on Saturday 10/4. The games from 9/20 and 9/27 will be made up in on a Sunday in October, and a Saturday in November, and the 9/13 game against Galveston will be rescheduled as a game against some other team in November.

The city is slowly coming back to life, most street signals are working, at least the major ones, the grocery stores have food, and but a lot of people are still without power in some parts of the city. Galveston is still a mess.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life Interrupted in Houston

Well, Hurricane Ike has come and gone, and Houston is much worse for it. We were in a mandatory evac zone, so we went to San Antonio for a few days to escape the winds and rain. We left around 3am Friday morning, and missed most of the traffic out of town.
We had a nice time seeing some of the places there, and visiting some of our favorite restaurants, but it was hard to watch the news coverage there about what was going on back home.

Galveston is pretty much devastated, a number of people were killed and many missing. Luckily, our area of Houston was not as hard hit, but once we made it home on Monday, we had a lot of clean up to do and we did have a pretty large pile of limbs and about 20 bags of leaves and other debris piled up by the street once we were finished. The power went out Friday night, the 12th, and didn't come back on until Tuesday the 16th. Luckily, we were gone most of that time. Only one night at home with no power. The internet service did not come back up until late on the 16th, so I ended up missing 3 1/2 days of work.

Schools closed last Thursday the 11th, and at this time, the plan is to reopen next Monday the 23rd, but some school buildings have been damaged, so that may change.

No football practice this week, of course, but we haven't had any word from the coaches, so not sure when that will start back up. We were actually supposed to play in Galveston on Saturday the 13th, of course that did not happen! I guess we will make that up at some point.

The city is still pretty much shut down. No traffic lights working, stores have very little food. There are food and water hand out stations popping up around town to help people who have nothing. No one is allowed to cross the bridge to Galveston, so not sure when those people can go home.

Luckily, we did find a couple of resturants open, so we won't starve!

More updates to come as we find out what happens next.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Game 2 VS South Houston Wild Cats

Wow, what a game today. The Falcons played hard, and beat the South Houston Wild Cats 39-0. They actually couldn't score anymore points, as TIFI has a rule that only allows a team to score so many points more than the other team. Sounds crazy, but I guess it is so one team doesn't just stomp the snot out of another team! Go Falcons!