Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Puppy Finding!

We found a breeder that has a litter of black and chocolates that were just born on Dec. 18th, so they are barely two weeks old. He said we can come and look at them when they are 4 weeks, so we plan on driving over there the weekend of Jan 17th. The breeder has three black males, so he has us down for one. We Just have to decide when we get out there which one we want, depending on what he has at the time.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Puppy Wishing!

We have finally decided to get a puppy! Raymond has really been wanting a black lab, so we are starting to look! There are a number of breeders around the area, a few have recent litters, so I am going to make a few phone calls and see what is available.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Day in Houston!

It snowed here in Clear Lake, and many places around the Houston Area on Wednesday, December 10th! We got to see the flakes actually falling, and it stuck to the grass and bushes until the next day! It snowed for several hours. Raymond was extremely excited and of course, made a mini-snowman. Thankfully, the impact to the city was minimal, and didn't cause too much trouble, although I did see on the new there were a number of minor traffic accidents around town.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Football EOY party

The team had their end of year party and trophy handout at a local resturant this week. The boys played some video games and everyone had dinner. Coach Whitlock handed out the trophies and said something about each kid.